"The Unbearable Like-Likeness of Gene" is the eighth episode of the third season of the animated comedy series ''Bob's Burgers''. The episode originally aired on Fox in the United States on December 9, 2012. The episode centers around Gene Belcher as he attempts to end an undesirable relationship with his irritating female classmate Courtney. However, when he learns that Courtney's father Doug is a jingle writer who owns several electronic musical instruments, he decides to stay in the relationship, hoping that Doug will be able to start Gene a music career of his own. A subplot involves Linda Belcher attempting to lose weight by following a diet consisting solely of fruit and vegetable peels. "The Unbearable Like-Likeness of Gene" was written by Holly Schlesigner and directed by Don MacKinnon. Critics reacted positively towards the episode, and on its original airing, it was viewed by a total of 4.55 million people according to Nielsen ratings. In addition from the regular cast, "The Unbearable Like-Likeness of Gene" features guest stars David Wain as Courtney and John Michael Higgins as Doug. It also includes guest appearances by Kurt Braunohler, Kulap Vilaysack, Melissa Galsky, Andy Kindler, and Larry Murphy. ==Plot== While at school, Gene learns that a girl named Courtney, who he finds irritating, is infatuated with him. While surrounded by her and her friends, Gene is pressured into pretending that he shares her feelings. As Courtney believes they are in a relationship, she constantly spends time around Gene, which irritates him. Gene finds himself unable to end his relationship with Courtney, and when he gets home, he complains about his situation to his parents, Linda and Bob, however, they do not see the problem. Later, Gene is invited on a double date to the movies with Courtney and her friend, and Bob drives them. After Courtney repeatedly kicks Bob's seat during the drive, Bob begins to agree that Courtney is irritating and that Gene should break up with her. After practicing terminating a relationship with his sisters Louise and Tina, Gene makes his way over to Courtney's house to talk to her. However, he is instead greeted by her father Doug, who is a jingle writer. Impressed by Doug's collection of electronic musical instruments, he decides to stay in the relationship in order to use the equipment, thinking Doug will sign him a record deal. At Courtney's birthday party, he decides to sing a jingle he wrote to impress Doug, but, when he finally performs, Courtney continuously interrupts him. Gene loses his patience and yells at Courtney to stop interrupting. After Gene finishes his tangent, she begins to stop breathing, leaving her in the hospital. Gene visits her in her room, and apologizes for shouting. He finally breaks up with her. Gene asks Doug if he can continue to visit to use his equipment, but Doug says no. In a subplot, Linda decides to go on a diet after a visit from her stylist Gretchen, who has recently lost weight. She picks a diet that involves solely eating the skins of fruits and vegetables. She becomes increasingly sour as her diet progresses, and eventually gives up after learning she has not lost any weight. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「The Unbearable Like-Likeness of Gene」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク